assalamualaikum and hello readers! peeps, as u can see this post headlines is about convocation. bukak facebook ade album and default picture convocation, bukak twitter dp convocation, bukak ape lagi. senang cte sana sini tengah hot pasal convocation. Nampak tak kat situ meriahnya convocation UiTM? weh bias sangat, okbye! haha. takde laa, asal convocation je, mestilah meriah kan. ye idak? haha. nama lagi meraikan kejayaan selepas menempuhi berjuta dugaan selama 3 tahun, ecewah ayat, haha. come on, be proud of yourself! mungkin ade bunyi2 yang cakap, alah setakat diploma je, bukan degree bukan master apetah lagi phd. meh cheq nk habak mai sikit, sume start from basic. takde spe yg terus melompat katak pegi ke degree tu haa. at least, congratulate them guyss. show some appreciation. bukan senang nk habiskan stdy even diploma je. so, kat sini, i want to give a big congratulations to all Uitm-ians diploma holders. you deserve it, its your award :D
okey, 2nd december haritu is my convocation day, my big day! gambar banyak tapi tak mampu nk upload semua kat sini. kang ade yang pengsan pulak nk scroll down, haha. tapi ade ceratin pictures yg nk share and i can say this as my most memorable pictures. meh nak share ngn korang, jom! :D
im proud to be one of the uitm-ians :)
im forever his little princess :')
my forever superwoman :')
this is my forever inspiration & motivation :')
le supergirls since part 1 diploma :')
through thick and thin, they never left me :')
they came on my graduation day :')
get my graduation day kiss, haha :p
my forever gegirls. hmm que is not here :'(
thank you for this everyone :')
officially an alumni and a diploma holder :')
tadaa. the end. will post again later. byee peeps. XX :D
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