arinii lepas buke,ayah ajak g shopping rye..
so,mama ayh and me g shopping kt jusco,my shopping mall :)
kat sne mmg banyak sangat sangat bju..
smpai rabunn mate niii tgkk..
tp malangnyee,slepas masuk sme kedai..
xd stu bju punn yg minat..sian kt org2 yg design bju2 tuu kn.. :DD
so,last skali,jalan pye jalan dpt bli jeans je..
husin ckp ok laa at least 1.. :)) hehehe..
okey2..bgn tdo,ayah terus ckp,"jom siap,kte g ou!!"
woww!!sgt unpredictable laa en.ahmad fuad nii..hehhe :pp
so,siap2,then trus grak g ou..
then smpai2 ou,husin txt and ckp,nk jmpe kt ou :))
then i ckp kt mama,mama ckp ok je..
tp husin tkt nk jmpe ayh..x ready ouhhh!!so plan cncel :((
xpe2..oke je..sbb bru jmpe ngn diee timee blik aritu.. :DD
pastu shopping shopping,dpt laa bli bju and ksut..hehe
pastuu da g ou,ayh g the curve plakk..sbb nk bli jerseyy..
tp x dpt jersey and bli ksut..xpe2..
then tbe2 ayh ckp,"x jmpe kdai phne punn kt sni.."
wah!!!timee tuu,dlm kepenatan trus bertukar mnjadi segar... :DD
then ayah ajak g subang parade..
ouhh jgn pelik sbb family kami mmg ske brjalan satu ari suntuk,hee
pastu smpai subang parade,g kt kdai phne..
and wahh!!!mama ayah,i lovee youu so mucchh..
i got my 19th birthday present in advance..
thanks mama ayah..rse cm dlm mpi je kan timee tuu..hee :pp
pastu,straight away g buka..kteorg buka lua..
sbb mama da resever tmpt mkn..wahh!!sdap2 and kenyang laa of course..
okey,then balik lepas buka and solat maghrib..
conclusionnye,kedua-ari yang sangat bestt n enjoy laa wehh!!
dpt spent time ngn family tersayanngg and dpt mcm2 :DD
last but not least,my 19th birthday present
thanks alot mama ayah.
thanks mama ayah for making my dreams come true.
btw,this is my 2nd boyfiee :))
but my syed hussein is stil my number one.
iloveeyouu sweetheartt <3
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